Friday, September 28, 2012

Say Something!

I know I have been a little absent as of late. There have been some large issues to address on the home front and honestly I haven't been able to figure out how to voice some of the ideas and thoughts. They span from doing what is right to as simple as work ethic. Additionally, on all fronts another ugly election is in full swing. Suddenly we are in a much worse or dire place if we don't elect so and so. It's kinda depressing. I remember vividly going at it with my Dad about politics when I was younger and my major source of angst was simply in the party he followed. When we finally got far enough into a discourse, it turned out we saw things quite similarly. Whatever bank you are standing on, it's still a river you are looking at.

All that said, it felt right to crack the ice today. While the words are still not fully formulated (and my 3 regular readers may ponder if they ever actually have been), it seems the most dangerous thing during big changes, charged environments, and just emotional ups & downs is a silent voice.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Interesting Point

At times I come across a piece I am moved by and think, I wish more people could read this. While I am not interested in the politics of he said she said, I thought this was worth reposting as it raised some interesting points:

In the midst of the worst economic calamity since the Great Depression, a group of Republican law makers selfishly and heartlessly, chose to place their political aspirations above the well being, and survival of American Citizens. They agreed on a plot to literally sabotage the economy by voting against any and all legislation presented to help in its recovery. – This, regardless of how detrimental it would be to the welfare of the citizens of this country

They didn’t care how many people remained out of work because of their callous, self serving deeds. They didn’t care how many people remained unable to pay their mortgages, or car notes, or their kids educations. They didn’t care how many ended up homeless on the streets, or eating out of trash cans, or even if things got so hard for them they blew their own brains out. I take that back; they did admit the one thing they cared about. With no shame, reservation, or trepidation, they boldly asserted in public that their, “Party's primary goal in the next Congress was to make Obama a one-term president”. So this, by their own mouth, and by affirmation by their actions, was the only thing they truly cared about. And the only way to bring about this one thing they cared abut (the downfall of President Obama) would be by keeping the economy languishing and people out of work. 

I watched Newt Gingrich on a political television show jovially defend the actions of he and the other Republicans’ that hatched the devious plan. He said something to the affect; “Had Democrats lost they would have been trying to figure out a way to make a comeback as well”. I don’t know if Democrats would do such a thing. Like most Republican assertions, this was presented without factual substantiation. Never-the-less, I believe that any politician, Democrat or Republican, that’s willing to actively keep people out of work, possibly with no roof over their heads, possibly with no food in their mouths, and willing to watch the American economy spiral down and down into another Great Depression, doesn’t deserve to be in congress. They should not be serving the people because they’ve proven they don’t care anything about the people. This applies regardless of party. This is a matter of ethics and decency, not of political affiliation.

Am I the only one that sees the depravity in this? Is there no one else that ascertains the enormity of the breach of trust, or the stark betrayal of those who entrusted them to represent their best interests? What makes the tale even more astonishing is the fact that practically nothings been said and literally nothings been done about it. There’s been a crime committed against the American People by this group of people. And from what I’ve come to understand there’s not much that can be done from a legal stand point. Well; there are options but I've learned that they would likely amount to wasted time and effort. The only ones capable of rendering justice to them is ‘We the People’, in the form of a vote. 

When pointing out the gridlock in Washington the media routinely ignores the pact made by those congressmen to show, “unyielding opposition to the presidents economic policies”, but rather prefer to pretend its bi-partisan wrangling. Even though the Republican Party has executed everything listed in their infamous plan (the only thing being left undone is to, ‘Win the house and the White House in 2012’), still the press refused and refuses still, to call them on it or even raise the question ‘if’ the pact may have anything to do with the unprecedented filibusters and why they’ve resisted absolutely everything the president has presented. 

So we have a congress that, by definition, has committed treason, against the American people ( -- And a press that either appeasingly or conducively has omitted the facts surrounding that treason as it pertains to the gridlock in Washington. So congress has failed us, and the media has failed us. The only question is; will we fail ourselves? Will we lie down and watch the integrity of the office of congress be dismantled and discarded by a few dishonorable men that should never have been elected to office. Will we quietly accept elected officials sabotaging our economy and intentionally rendering and/or keeping our citizens jobless and our economy derelict? Or do we take a stand and not let this become a precedent that would be replayed over and over again and again. Do we passively allow America to take this turn for the worse, which our children will, and have, fallen victim to? Or do we stand with one voice and say YOU’VE GONE TOO FAR? They believe the reward for their crime will be re-election. Together we can show them that there is but one reward fitting for such a crime – relieving them of their positions, so they can never commit such a crime again. 

There will be no justice through the courts for this. And there will be no vindication through the media. The only ones willing and capable to render justice and vindication on this matter are….’We the People’. 

They voted to keep us out of work. – Let’s let them see what that feels like come November.

by Concerned Citizen

Sunday, September 2, 2012


So I don't really get sick very often. I am fortunate that way, but I am often a big believer in thinking positive and don't indulge in the "I'm getting sick." talk. It always seems self-fulfilling prophesey. Well whatever is going in right now has me low. I have no energy, no appetite, and always tired. It's not fun and I'm getting frustrated with myself. The trouble is how to overcome? I have willed myself up before. I'm not all that up for it though. Oh the irony. So here I am writing about it. To what aim I am not sure but I know how to voice it. Maybe I can get to good funky soon.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Mountain Showdown

The Colorado State University / University of Colorado game is about to begin. It's a great tradition out here and a real thrill they have kept it going at Mile High Stadium. It will always be called that, regardless of the company name above it. It's fantastic getting to relive so many great memories. There's a scar on my right thumb from the goal post at Hugh's Stadium from back in the day. I've been to Mile High Stadium for the Showdown. I don't remember sitting ever at a home game. It was a lot of fun, to say the least.

CSU isn't a big national team so after I left Colorado, it became increasingly difficult to follow them. That and their lack of winning reducing the remote chances of televising. I lost touch. Always glad tone a Ram, that was about it.

I came back to Colorado a couple years ago and found it had been a long time since I last called this home. It's taken some getting used to, but watching this game with some fellow green clad fans is a great feeling. It's not always easy to predict what will give you that nostalgic or home feeling,  but it's great when they come.

Go Rams!