Thursday, October 11, 2007

Back to business, sorta...

The song had it so correct; it really is "sweet home Chicago."

I truly cannot describe how good it felt to be back there. It felt as if no time had passed. That was until I came across a new skyscraper. It was a great weekend in the Windy City. Just like Denver, I found myself fantasizing about coming back. It just felt good. I decided at the last minute to put out a feeler to see if anyone wanted to get together at Four Moon on Sat night. It was a great turnout. College friends, theatre friends, pirates... It was fucking great!

And we got Tiffany settled as she could be for a bit. Her move back to Chicago has been a subject I have shied away from talking much about. I still don't really feel like delving into its details. It just seemed like it was unavoidable. Let me just say, we are together and trying something different. Each of us are trying to accomplish something right now. It just happens to be in different cities. She seemed much more relaxed instantly in Chicago, but I do have to say she seemed pretty happy in Denver too (ahem). That was when she wasn't running at a mile above sea level. Stupid hill! ;)

Now I am back. My Caveman friend extraordinaire, Cody Lyman, ironically picked me up from the airport and stayed with me a couple days. I worked a White Stripes video the first two days. Finally free, we hit The Griddle for breakfast on Wed and then over to Universal. It was fun just being goofy with a close friend. It helped me not get too melancholy about my changing home.

Due to a raise in the rent I am not keeping my Hollywood apartment. Alone it would have been rough, but that was the final straw. It has yet to be determined where I am going from here just yet, but I have a couple ideas. They mostly involve some travel and get by work for a couple months. Well see.

The Rockies are winning thus far in the first game against Arizona. It's funny; I really got into watching them this year. By June I was hooked on watching the gamecast from Now it's October and the Rockies are still playing! That has been a nice release; it has nothing to do with acting.

Speaking of which, I am now a CARD CARRYING member of the Screen Actor's Guild!

"You are the party and I am a school night"


TSC said...

i thought about what it would be like to leave these comments with you in LA and me here. Weird. How I'd get your updates via photo like everyone else. Well. Day by day. I like that new one, that last one: club member.

~M. said...

I wish you guys both all the best. Personally, I believe it is important to balance the inevitable changes of time with remembering that life is short.

Congrats on SAG too!!!