Sunday, January 20, 2008

Hitting the Road Soon

With the spirit of adventure living out of a couple suitcases brings, there seems little that could make it more exciting. Yet, I have found a way. Last week it occurred to me that I was about to shell out $111 bucks to the storage unit in Hollywood while it would cost just a little more than that to fly out there. With what it would cost for just another month or so, I could rent a vehicle to take my worldly possessions back to Denver. My folks graciously offered to let me store some items there. Apparently, much to my surprise I have some boxes already there from as far back as my pack-up to move to London in 1999. There must be some frightening and needless things in those boxes!

So, next Wed I will be flying from Chicago to LA at the crack of dawn, renting a "mid-SUV" and loading up my storage unit. Some friends have agreed to buy some of my bulky items. Others may just stay in Hollywood. Kinda a shame I couldn't justify a full truck as there is no IKEA in Denver and the furniture may fetch a decent price there! Also frustrating was that you can not rent a cargo van to cross state lines. A van would have amply taken care of my 5x5 unit.

By this time next week I will be fully pulled out of LA for the time being. As for the question of whether or not I will go back, the answer is still "ask again later" according to the Magic 8 Ball I consult daily. If I do it will likely be for short trips. I have also learned over the last couple months how little I need to get by. I must admit the cold snap we are in right now has made me aware of how little warm clothing I now own. I am grateful as hell for the new leather coat Tiffany got me for Christmas. It does all sorts of fun things, like zip up!

The choice to consolidate is one I am happy about. It has been fun telling people I have everything in a storage unit in Hollywood, my Jeep in Denver, and a couple suitcases in Chicago. The reality is, I am not a prospector and need not leave things everywhere I may wish to go to. I also sense that my current adventure may be a final sort of hurrah to the nomadic life. I am interested in things like furniture, mortgages, and the like. Not just yet, but soon-ish. I will be in Colorado for the next 4 - 5 weeks working for Caldera. that should be good too.

I am coming back to Chicago after that. I have not yet begun to hit a threshold for cold.


powder said...

Hey! Are you staying in LA at all? I've got an extra room right now if you need a place to crash for a night or two... let me know. I'd love to see you!

Anonymous said...

Hop on aim if you get a minute. You're not gonna believe who I found.