In our recession-not-calling-it-a-depression, apparently a considerable number of condos are available here in the Windy for rent. Needless to say, there are a slew of places out here for rent. There are also a considerable number of people who want you to believe there are not a lot of options if you want certain things. Our interests were simple. We wanted dog friendly, location, and as much bang as we could get for our price range. Oh, we also needed to not be in a garden level. Having been broken into last month as well the uninterested party in every drunken group staggering from Southport to Clark, we were in tent on never being this low again.
Our search seemingly came to an end Fri night when we took a look at a little one bedroom in Lakeview (Boystown). Until the it was a deadlock between a nice place on Pine Grove and a cute spot on the 10th floor in Edgewater. We looked at this one Fri night and did not even need to talk about it. We told her we'd take it. Happy and relieved we went home.
Stay tuned for news on the new place to come. These pic's were the best of the discarded. Don't let them tell you it's tough to find a place to rent right now. A lot of things are tough these days, but available places to live without owning are bountiful. A few even have views.
Moving (and the planning of it) is so exhausting. When do you take the plunge?
May 1 is the date
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