Thursday, August 19, 2010

Denver buzzing

Running and planning. It's a good life to be sure. Right now I am trying to keep all the balls in the air and it's not bad. The job is always presenting a chance to learn a new trick. My bag is gaining some I never thought I'd like. It's a living and I am thrilled to be working with some great people. I miss the carefree aspects of my Chicago employments though and I am learning that my various attempt at sustaining myself have led to some damn weird stories.

Slowly, Denver is starting to feel like home again. I am continually reminding myself, this ain't the same town I left 15 years ago. Tiffany has truly helped me remember this. Just last week, she showed me a neighborhood I never knew existed. As a bonus, it had one of the best sushi I've ever had in my life. Sushi den, go there.I t helped to find this spot that had a charm I have been missing. While the conveniences of the suburbs are still nice to have at the finger tips, there is something so great about a block you will never see the same shops on another. The inspiration began to flow.

There is a lot, as usual, happening. I am enjoying it, but still looking for that normal feeling. Maybe I just need to get back on the bike. Heh.

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