Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gear and Mind Check

All my gear is laid out and I am ticking off items on my handy marathon checklist. It feels exciting and scary these hours before a marathon, even with a few under the belt already. There is a calm in knowing I have run many, many miles to prepare and no amount of second guessing can limonite that. The scary comes in all the variables that can still unfold. The weather, the course, breakfast… they all seem to have some sway, but mostly its the anticipation of those things that seems to keep the hamster wheel turning.

In many ways that seems a decent reminder for so much of life. The things that can not be known and controlled always fascinate the part of my mind that wants to dwell on them. Meanwhile the things right before me I want to dismiss as irrelevant. When I focus on this exact moment, my mind gets quieter and I get more effective.

Today is a good day.

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