Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Now what?

So, I had been following a running training program since the end of March. It detailed 5 runs a week, every week. I was actually pretty excited to do the marathon, in part, to not be told how often I should be running. However, I find myself missing the structure. The last two days have been my first since my folks left. Over the last couple weeks, I have been trying to figure out what to do now that the marathon is under the belt. Nursing a sore IT band has made any further runs a shade uncomfortable. I reacquainted myself with the gym yesterday. That was humbling. I also started looking for auditions again. I feel good getting back to some of the things training was making tough to get to. I miss having the goal though. Today I signed up for my second marathon. It won't be until June, but I feel better having one in the future. Look out Minneapolis. I also am looking forward to getting more on task with closer goals. My ridiculous time on Facebook over the last couple days has shown me I need to get back to work

1 comment:

Karen Solas said...

Yay for Minneapolis! Can't wait to bring Isla to cheer you on!