Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy and You Know It...

"How's quitting smoking going?" That was the simple question my friend asked me today. I grumbled and gave my half enthusiastic report. He remarked I never seemed to embrace my nonsmoking with much passion as I showed in other areas, like running. That seems true. While I can point out the logic in there being little ability to embrace a non action, the point was made. So what does it take to be an excited nonsmoker? How do I just "get over it" and move on? I know it takes some time, but it's irritating for it to last so long and still have good friends notice you seem less than excited to be a nonsmoker still. It has been over 6 months now and I know it takes a long time, but surly there must be something I can do to embrace this.


1 comment:

mommasitta said...

Breathe------just breathe!!!!!!! At an unexpected time a thought will happen - your not a smoker! Change the channel of your mind!