Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Sorta Photo Friday

So this isn't a photo. Not at all even. From my phone, I am hard pressed to even just type. It still amuses me how the nicer the hotel, Mariott, the less they give you without charge. Ergo, I am relying on my phone to uphold this goofy idea of daily blogging. Just a good day to remember what's important. Thank you for reading! Happy Picture Friday will return when I am not mobile blogging.

Till then, think of a puppy. Do it. There is your picture

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Talk About Talking About Talking...

It's funny to me to see the corporate speak I just left behind popping up again. Terms such as "opportunities" and "synergy" never seem to really say much. None the less, they keep getting said. How is it so many people like to waste so much time talking without saying anything. I understand structure and appreciate it, but am so yired of the double talk.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Once again, about to fly away. this is the first time  I am completing a post from the plane. We are on our way to Atlanta for a job. It is my first trip there and while time is limited, it's always exciting to see a new city. I am already missing my Tiff though. Till Atlanta friends....

Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy and You Know It...

"How's quitting smoking going?" That was the simple question my friend asked me today. I grumbled and gave my half enthusiastic report. He remarked I never seemed to embrace my nonsmoking with much passion as I showed in other areas, like running. That seems true. While I can point out the logic in there being little ability to embrace a non action, the point was made. So what does it take to be an excited nonsmoker? How do I just "get over it" and move on? I know it takes some time, but it's irritating for it to last so long and still have good friends notice you seem less than excited to be a nonsmoker still. It has been over 6 months now and I know it takes a long time, but surly there must be something I can do to embrace this.


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Picture(s) Friday

By request, this will now be a regular installment here on Stupie on Friday's. Yeah!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Out of Bed and on Mile 8...

I ran my 8 mile run this morning almost entirely before dawn. It felt good after a couple miles being up and out so early. Here I sit on the tail end of a 12.5 hr day and I am still a little jazzed I got up and out this morning. there were a million reasons to stay in bed and yet I headed out. Why, I don't fully know. Perhaps that's when you get t call yourself a runner, when you begin to get running before you can actually figure out why you are. Perhaps it may just be that you are runner when you are running without something obvious chasing you too.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

London Day

It was 11 years ago today yours truly was told to leave the United Kingdom. I and my 3 other companions have bestowed September 21 with the name, London Day. Now lest the wrong impression be made we committed no crime nor attempted to bend any law, it was simply a misunderstanding taken to its highest degree. I must say, all turned out pretty well and I hold no grudge towards Britain. Today, however, i will celebrate London Day with a customary anti-English mind set. Feel free to engage in your own London Day festivities any way you wish. Say no to tea, call it Soccer proudly, and swing by the dentist if you can.

For today, stick it London.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Running Photos

So, on one hand it feels ridiculous to run with a cell phone. On the other though, I am excited when I can get a picture like this. This is an abandoned foot bridge over the Platte River near down town Denver. The last leg of it was removed to prevent use.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Night Before

Tomorrow is my final 20 mile training run for the Denver Marathon. I am a little excited to get out there tomorrow now that I have run this part of the Platte river last week. All my gear is out and I am giddy to get to bed. Wrapping up last minute items and gearing down, all the while trying to push from my mind that typically one 20'er goes great and one ... not great. Last week felt good. Here's to hoping.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Stuck in Traffic

I am sitting here with my good friend Scott In absolute standstill traffic. I am proud to say I have driven in the most conjested, most aggressive, and most tedious cities in our country. I have driven in Time Square and the 405 at rush hour. All these experiences have made me pretty patient and a little less willing to get tense. However, when it's all just stopped, I am pained to be sympathetic. The basic prinsiple of the road is lost.

"Not being able to go." That is the most annoying thing about stopped traffic, according to Scott. He the went on to suggest some rather radical solutions that are unprintable.

We are now a quarter of a mile further down I-25. I may be in Denver before tomorrow's post.

Happy Picture Friday

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Grande Comfort

I'm waiting for my free coffee from my neighborhood Starbucks. I generally don't do the pricey coffee all that often, but a free cupon necessitates abusing my knowledge of how to build a latte that costs over $6. What felt good was the element of familiarity that coffee house offers. Most of the time I lean away from the every store must look the same philosophy (corporate genetic weakness), but with so much change lately it was a comfort. Odd how in the transition from one thing to another there can be unlikely sources of ease.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Name Game

A name. It can say so much. We seem to live in an era where corporations have nigh religious stature to their names. Companies like McDonalds, Disney, and Starbucks all seem to have near bullet proof names. Then, on occasion, one of these entities fall from grace. Scandal or poor practice can undo them. But why are the names so valuable? What is it that makes us so much more aware of the title than it's contents? Even those that would claim to not be swayed by such things are usually just referring to avoiding the popular ones (which is essentially the same thing then). I wonder sometimes.

Personally, I tend to appreciate when I find a company that produces a product that I am very much in love with that asks a fair price for (ahem, Seattle kilt maker). My boots will always be Gripfast for example. To me that's a security in the product. After all, our dollars spent make the world go 'round. Which way do we want it to go?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Six Months Ya'll

I just wanted to report that as of yesterday, I am now a whole six months smoke free. This is an odd sort of milestone in that all three of my decent attempts prior to this have all fallen at the six month mark. So far so good, but damn there have been some wicked cravings again. Tell me this is a milestone increase, otherwise I may have to go buy a pipe or something.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

"Don't you have a TV?"

I was debating whether to say anything today. So many people have said so many things already (and still are). What's one more blog commentary? At the same, it feels like ignoring the elephant in the room to not say anything. So here's my modest thoughts on the matter.

Ten years ago, I was serving coffee at a neighborhood Starbucks in Chicago when a frantic guy interrupted my grinding a pound to demand why we didn't have a TV. Thinking it was another crazy request and an over-indulging coffee hose, I blew it off for my last 15 seconds of naivety. We all know the rest of the events that morning. I helped close the coffee shop and went home like so many and thought what do I do now?

In the 10 years since, I am still no less floored at the bravery of the people on Flight 93 and the first responders in DC and New York. I can not watch footage without emotions welling up. There seems an incredible disbelief where our country has gone in 10 years to fight terror. From eliminating picking up loved ones at their arriving planes to wars on two continents, we still seems to be shouting at the void to ward off the boogie man. As a country, it feels we are no further from danger than we were the day after those attacks.

However, beyond the pessimistic perspective I just detailed, I am more optimistic than not. I witnessed for the first time an unadulterated national pride ten years ago the like my generation had never known. That is never forgotten. I have seen true heroes, bit that day and every day since who offer to serve so that my life may be protected.

Today, I went for a long run. It was predawn and the air was cool and quiet. As I put one mile after another, I just kept thinking of the bravery exhibited 10 years ago. I watched the sky get lighter and lighter and felt a true peace inside. I pray that all that were affected with loss at the hands of lunatics on that horrific day could feel a moment of that peace today.

To simply say thank you to the men and women who rushed in to help and have been helping ever since feels insignificant. None the less, I thank you.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Scottish Irish Festival

We made the pilgrimage to Estes Park today to partake in a long standing tradition, the Long's Peak Scottish Irish Festival. Truly a great day to be in the mountains with frieands and great music all around. Food varied from amazing to the I tasted that on a dare. None the less, it was a great time. Plus we got to see Albannach, Brother, and Seamus Kennedy play. So good!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Kid @ School

First day on the new job and it feels pretty good. It is far more familiar than my previous life. That being said I am keen to keep trying to plot forward in a semi-new direction. The is a chance todo some real creative work and not see hard work benefit an undeserving enterprise. Herels to the future and feeling good change today.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cafe con Leche!!

While in Miami, I was introduced to a fantastic new coffee beverage, the Cafe con Leche. While I had heard about this drink, I had not had one quite like the kinds I found down in Miami. We enjoyed several variations at a few different walk up counters. They were always prepared faster than it usually takes to get a coffee at one of the chains and every one was fantastic. They were served in small, Styrofoam cups with 4 empty creamer cup... to share the 4oz coffee! They were fantastic and now I need to find a good Cuban restaurant here in Denver.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Today was te return home day. It felt good to get out and run 5 miles this morning,  but Miami sunshine can be pretty humbling. I won't lie, the water fountain I found on my course was a near religious experience. Not long after my Dunkin Donuts cafe con leche, we departed again for Denver. It felt so good to get home and to my own home no less. Tiff picked me up with Maggie & Estes and I could not have felt more welcomed and loved. Today was a good day.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Happy birthday Adam! It's odd to be so far from him today, he's in Indianna and I'm in Florida. None the less, I couldn't be prouder.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


There are always day that go smooth and days that are uphill the whole way. To me there seems no good reason for the difference, it just is. Today was a running in mud sort of day where the best I could do was to be positive and try to avaoid paranoid thoughts. I tend to go there too often and it never helps. So to you my dedicated few, may today be grand and easier than yesterday.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Miami Rain

I'm enjoying a true tropical rain storm this evening, here in Miami. This is rain like I am unaccustomed to. The best part about it I'd how heavy the rain is and without rest. I'm sitting on the patio (not smoking bitterly) and am getting to see a little of the power of nature. Pretty cool.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Stay Tuned

Just checking in from the road. All is well and new thoughts to be rolled out soon on jobs done well, chasing dreams, knowing love, and what to watch out for. Till then here's to you my dedicated 4.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Guy

I am pretty psyched to have taken some action within the employment sphere. It is a little humbling thoughh to start anew, even with some familiarity. I remain stunned how aluring staying in that known can be and retaining a seniority. For now, I am the new guy again, trying to make good.