Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I got the call last night, I am officially booked for the feature film! How strange it is to have left Los Angeles and land a role in a feature film! My road has never seemed entirely straight, but it has been fun. So as it stands now, I am heading to Minneapolis to rehearse a quick children's theatre show with Mr. Mowery in early May and then back out to Colorado for our four days of "touring." We have a day in Pueblo, Aurora, Greeley, and Boulder. I fly back to Chicago on the 20th and then have my day of shooting on May 24th. I am so excited!

House sitting in Bucktown has definitely left Tiff and I with a degree of house envy. This is such a different world from our studio living in Roger's Park, it feels like we are in a different city. I have yet to smoothly get to work from here, but that is truly not a terrible inconvenience. I am supposed to hear from Steppenwolf within the next week or so, and that will let us make the best, fiscally sound plan we can. Of course I still say an iPhone would be a nice compensation to not getting in to school. I hear Cody might differ though.

Lastly, I just wanted thank those of you out there that take the time to catch up on my ridiculous adventures. I just spoke to my friend Jack in New York who I get the privilege of catching up with every month or three. Before I even got to launch into what I had been up to he told me he catches these blogs on occasion. It always amazes me when I hear someone has read any. I am deeply appreciative for the interest. Each and everyone of you has influenced my life in some way and I just wanted to say thank you!

Oh yes... Go Avs!


Anonymous said...

Congrats, baby! Here's to good Step news, too!-Colleen

Unknown said...

What? What feature? I'll call you tomorrow, we are crazy booked all day... the past two weeks have been crazy busy... in a VERY good way. Send me some good thoughts fairies as I have a HUGE audition out right now... I'm sending fairies to steppenwolf!

Anonymous said...

I am so friggin happy for you. Despite the rough patches you persevere astonishingly, to your credit. You rock.
As always, I miss you and hope to catch up with you (face to face over massive cups of coffee) in the near future. :) Cheers!