Sunday, May 6, 2007

48hrs or the new "cool?"

The support has been fantastic! Thnk you to everyone that has been voicing or typing words of encouragement. Despite some bitterness over my Saturday night of vice-free existence, i got through. I appreciate the thoughts on "coolness" without a cigarette. I am fundamentally in agreement that just being myself will be enough. However, that is not the easiest idea to try and welcome. I'll get there. I used to find it tough to envision going a weekend without a bottle. The winner though of the suggestions for coolness though was the toothpick. Thank you Nate! For anyone looking at this for suggestions, the best 2 things thus far have been: 1. Quit smoking in my car 2 months ago. That made the car into an actual smoke-free, safe zone where temptation is lower. 2. A ridiculous schedule of anti-smoking routines. I am popping all these homeopathic, nicotine-free pills and lozeges every hour or two. Each also requires not eating or drinking anything 15 minutes before or after. Essentially I am watching the clock and have something to do every 15 minutes. A pain at times, yes, but fuck it I am looking at the clock all the time anyhow. It is, by the by, especially fun to pull out a bottle of pills during an AA meeting and just pop one. Good times


Anonymous said...

It is true, you are so cool naturally you need no prop, but the toothpick is nice. Jacob and I chew on the tea tree ones every so often.

I have so much faith in you with the stopping of the smoke. You can totally lick this thing. And remember, this is a PROCESS, it will take some time. Be kind to yourself throughout your process, and I know you will triumph.

Much love sent to you.

~ Sabrina

Michael said...


I technically quit the Monday after Thanksgiving. I stumbled three times and have not had a cigarette since January 7th. IT SUCKS, but man, do I feel better.
HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!!!


Karen Solas said...

YAY Troy! I'm so proud of you! (And I'm with Sabrina on the tea tree toothpicks - yummm.) Nate and I started our Detox Diet Round 2 today, and he said last night, "Anytime I get whiny I'm just going to think about what Troy must be going through." It's already stopped me from whining twice today!

You can do it! We love you and are sending lots of good mental juju your way!