A few years back, I had a run in with a rare-ish eye problem called Iritis. At the time I was still serving the green apron master, Starbucks and had insurance. I am tremendously grateful that I did as I was very close to losing that eye before a doctor was able to successfully diagnose me and begin extensive treatments. I was on about three different drops a day for weeks and had to go see a doc at least once week for nearly a month. Even with insurance, I paid a fortune in copays. It was worth it though, I still have my right eye.
Now I am usually a pretty healthy guy. I get sick very rarely and it passes with little true inconvenience. More often I get strange injuries like the aforementioned eye dilemma (or the several under "eye" category I could list). Thankfully I have been in more ER's for stitches and the like, I ma decent at knowing how serious more bumps and scrapes are. I am decent, but no MD.

What concerns me is one of the facts about Iritis they hammered home to me. "This could come back." Every time I get a little blur or pain over there those words ring in my ears. I know I should have insurance. I also think the whole industry is a crock of shit (watch Sicko and see if you can't agree a little with that). I don't know what to do here as far as finding what I need. I have spent all morning surfing the health care providers sites and NONE of them look appealing. It's as if some lawyers got tired of fucking people in court and decided sick people would be easier targets. Between the clip-art photos of happy, healthy people and the little things like "100% copay till annual deductible ($5000) is reached," I don't know what to think. Honestly, as often as I get sick, it feels like I would be better off sticking $70 - $120 a month in a savings account and call that my insurance.
Any thoughts out there?

By the by... the picture has nothing to do with the post. Who needs a picture on health problems? However, major points (and an entire Captain Stupie post on your greatness) may be earned if you can tell me where and when this photo was taken?
1 comment:
Starbucks, Fort Collins, circa 2000.
(Um, ok, Nate helped. If we're right, he can have the points, but can I have the entire post about my greatness?)
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