Friday, January 1, 2010

And so it begins

Here we are but hours or so into our new decade and I don't know about you, but I am already feeling better about things. As a survey, shoot me your ideas for a theme for the year. I was toying with a couple, but want to hear yours.

I for one will be trying to be a more attentive Captain. I was dismayed to see how Stupie had fallen by the way of some other. formerly great blogs, with very few updates. That is hardly the "defender of the obvious" I want at the helm. Here's to writing more. Hell just writing more about writing more is writing more... you get the idea.



mommasitta said...

The hope I would have for this new year/decade is that we DO NOT forget what has been felt or awakened within. Caring and showing more compassion to each other and genuinely feeling good about taking that moment to "be a bit kinder" to everyone we encounter each day. The rebuilding of lively hoods will be incredibly stronger when we all remember "We all put our pants on one leg at a time" Just how to incorporate those thoughts into a "theme" for this new year/decade will require the help of the awesomely wise captain stupie. Perhaps it could simply be "One day at a time"!

aworkinprogress said...

My theme for the new year is "everyday living". Basically, I'm trying to embrace the idea of living in the little moments, instead of allowing life's Big Events define who & what I am and how I behave. It's on my blog if you want to hit it.

Happy new year, my friend. Let's coffee some time soon.