Tuesday, February 23, 2010

That New Familiar

It has been a whirl wind trip to Colorado. Caldera rarely offers me less. When all was said and done, I put in about 23 days of straight work with a stretch of 5 days over 12hrs each. I am glad for the work to be sure, but was a shade dizzy after. We went to Palm Desert for a few days and I was given a premature case of spring fever. Felt great to get out for a couple runs without 12lbs of clothing.

The trip to Colorado has also led to some opportunities I am still working out with Tiffany. My head is spinning from that as well, but what I do know is that these are all good issues to have. Updates in those areas will follow when they are better discussed.

For now, I know I have enjoyed the crisp air, the sore muscles, the laughter from good friends, and the new ink gracing my ankle. I am forever reminded that I ran 26.2 miles last fall in Chicago and have every intention to continue as long as my legs will allow.

From Denver International Airport with love, Captain Stupie signing off.

1 comment:

mommasitta said...

Gods speed handsome! Baby steps............