Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thank you... seriously

As has been obvious lately, I am trying to write more frequently. A daily post was not my original intent, but seems to be a decent pace to try and maintain. In the void that marathon training opened up and the circus of having a new puppy at home, this has proven to be a great outlet. It has served as a good place to let loose frustrations over holiday shopping and thoughts on house hunting. To me this still feels more genuine that a Tweet or Facebook status update. I am also sad to see so many friend's blogs that have gotten so quiet. It's selfish, but I like hearing extended thoughts they share on their worlds, many of which are not even in my time zone. The consequence of jotting down so many thoughts lately has been an unanticipated concern from some loved ones. By trying to just get more words out there, my posts have not always been as clear. Ergo, I have fielded a couple calls of late to see if I am OK. To set the record straight, all is well with the Captain. I have some great "problems" today and am trying to remember that every time they feel otherwise. As we proceed into this exciting final month of a jam packed 2010, I will continue to try and stay active here on Stupie. Glad to have my three readers with me and love hearing all manner of feedback. I hope this holiday season brings many laughs and contentedness to each of you!


Christopher said...

Hey man! I love the increased output. And you are right: Twitter and Facebook have turned me into a lazy, lazy blogger. You inspire me, however, and I will try to write more frequently.

And congrats on all the exciting stuff that has happened to and for you this year! Yay, married! Yay, puppy! Yay, house-hunting! Such a thrilling, grown-up kind of stress.

mommasitta said...

All hale captain stupie! The loyal 3 are grateful to have our captain back a blogging!