Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Between the Steps

I was on a run this morning to clear my head. While I was out, feeling cold and more than a little frustrated and unmotivated, that I noticed something kinda fantastic. It was the stride between the steps. My whole life, I have wished I could fly. I still do, to an extent. When I had a moment of pause in my otherwise nonproductive train of thoughts, I realized that while the impact of each step commanded more of my notice, there was a significant space in between where I was actually just... flying. When I paid more attention to it, the spell of midair propulsion seemed to last longer and longer. I noticed the steps that much less and enjoyed the gliding. It seemed pertinent to where I found myself prior to the run actually. I had been very focused on the steps in my life and not noticing the amazing time between them. It was nice to get a perspective shift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very well put and thought provoking as well!