Sunday, July 22, 2007

On the Seventh Day...

I am going a little nuts right now. Oddly I am stressing over going for a run. More acurately, NOT going for a run. I have gotten into a routine of running about 3 miles a day and hitting the gym after. I actually really love it. It feels like truly healthy, affordable fun here in LA. Plus, it gets me out of my head. With such long stretches of unemployment as a PA can experience, this has proven to be utter relief. I even enjoy the sun a little for it.

However, it has been brought to my attention by Tiff that I am potentially over doing it a bit. I am not one that tends to embrace moderation much. Today I was very stiff waking up and my trip to the gym yesterday was cut short due to exhaustion. I had, afterall, worked 10hrs loading a truck already. It is a little obvious I need to stop for a day or two. So here I am in the late afternoon trying to get it out of my head to run a little. There are creative projects to work on, books to read, even music to enjoy. I just can't shake the impulse to get out there.

Who would have imagined this former chain-smoking kid would be getting a craving for running?

1 comment:

Nate said...

Eesh. I'm trying to get back into running, easing into it so my stupid desk-job knee doesn't get overused too quick... Supposed to do 3 miles tomorrow for the first time, we'll see how it goes!

But in your case, um, yeah, take a break. Go read the new Harry Potter book or something. :)