Thursday, January 3, 2008

Bringing the Art Back

This is my theme for the new year, a concept I borrowed from Cody years ago. Former years were less noble. "Rampage" was my 2005 theme and the all too difficult, "Don't Fall Down" from 2001. This one I like though. Despite which time zone I happen to call home at any given point this year, I would like an extra portion of art with it. That even goes for LA, should I be returning anytime soon. I realize that saying LA itself deprives me of art is a bit of a cop out, it's there. Maybe it's under a heavy sheet of protective plastic, but it's there.

Being back in Chicago for a little while has reminded me that you can perform anywhere, anytime... if you want it bad enough. There may be a lot more stages here with less bullshit involved to get on them, but you have to want it pretty bad here too. No one I know has the theatre company they thought they would with their college friends, the one that just about guarantees they can play there. We all know people that talk about it (hell even a few did it), but the people I know are not in those companies. I remember hearing 3 things at Colorado State that still seem true. Two of them were delivered from guest artists and one from a beloved professor. They are:

"...(you get jobs in art by) pounding on doors long enough you can get a foot in before they can slam it in your face..."
-Art Chantry
" can't get cast in a show? Write one..."
-Gary Austin
"...(as a performer) be loved or hated, but never tolerated..."
-Morris Burns

I find myself looking at a familiar dilemma as when I was in LA. While I was out there, I had to decline a number of shows because I was unable to commit to a stage rehearsal schedule in a film town. Working as a PA, I could not say I would be available Sun through Thur from 7-10pm for 4 weeks. My average day as a PA was 14hrs and I could almost guaran-danm-tee you if I had something planned for after 14hrs, we'd go 16hrs. I barely finished one level of classes at ioWest because of that.

The similarity for me right now is that I came out here to work a holiday season back at the Girl, when money would be good. Now that turned out to be less true than I hoped, but none the less that season ends next week and I will have to hitch myself to a new train to make some cash. I don't know if it will be here in Chicago either. There still is no resolution to the strike out West, so going back is not so appealing. To be in LA just working as a PA without any promise of other work would be like dropping out of college to stay at the video store you worked at. Why bother? Money is good and the stories are fun to tell, but the reality was not so great. I do miss some great people out there though!

So write a show. That would fit into my ideals right? Maybe. Being here, the ideas are flowing again. I would love to paint again too, but living out of a suitcase, I just didn't pack my brushes. Photoshop is great, but only goes so far. I do hope to see some more art this year though. Of all my resolutions, that is the one I am most excited about.

So happy 2008 to you! If you are of the artistic persuasion, I hope to see some art from you as well. I know some tremendously talented people that fill my world with ideas and laughs. Whatever you chose for yourself this year, put on some good music and go for it with no reserve, even if it is as simple as "fall down less."

1 comment:

TSC said...

Art is good. You are good. Therefore. you are art.