Monday, January 14, 2008

Where is Your Art Now?

In adherence to the resolution to bring the art back, 2008 has been a malstrom of artistic endeavors thus far. Sorta.
Mostly I have been practicing a guitar, trying to learn how to play. I must say the frustration of learning something new never seems to get easier. My fingers seem to be unwilling to just do what my brain is demanding and once I get a couple things to go right a third one falls apart. It's good though. I just am bemused by my instinct of "if you can't just do something, screw it." Afriend with a similar dispostion once said that makes you, "very good in your very limited field."

I am also trying to get back to writing. I have thrown the feeler out to couple of friends to begin a collaborative project again. I am attempting to get my pen out of the mud, if you will. So far a lot of fragmented ideas, but it will come. The change of cities is helping me in that regard. I work best and find more inspiration when nature turns up the volume some. This winter in Chicago has been great thus far.

Art is coming back and you're all coming with it!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Hooray for art! Freddie and I are also trying to do more writing. I can't wait to hear you rock out on guitar!