Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bookstore Brutes

I am constantly amazed at people. They fascinate me. There is a Borders Bookstore near where I work and I have ducked in a few times recently to grab some going out of business bargains. Dressed for my job (shirt and tie), apparently many of their customers believe I am staff and constantly are asking me for help. At first it was amusing, but then people began getting rude when I told them I didn't work there. One man even responded by stating, "you're useless." So glad he was looking for the art section.

What amazes me is how ridiculous these people are acting. They are virtually looting and mostly void of manners. Had I actually been an employee there, it may have been a good time for people to be a little nicer. One they are getting a sale price and two, the employees will soon be looking for new jobs. That sucks no matter where you previously worked right now. I suppose I also wanted to believe people at a bookstore might be a shade more civilized. When the man that barraged me with "hey, hey, hey" till I put my friend (on the phone) on hold only to ask if the Harry Potter poster he had pulled from the display was for sale directly under the "everything must go" sign, I realized I am potentially too ideological at times.

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