Tuesday, December 11, 2012

No Room Ghosts

We have recently moved to an old building in an older neighborhood. There are many ghost stories having taken place just up the street. I believe the home that inspired the Poltergeist movie is even just a few blocks away. It's been interesting running past so many old homes and historic spots lately. I can't shake the stories and tales I have heard and wonder how many of these homes have those unexplainable presences? My wife also has quite the predilection for those haunted house stories and shows.

A similarity occurred to me when reflecting on all those movies and shows like American Horror Story where people move into a spooky old home. There always seems to be a sadness of struggle within the new occupants. It almost seems ripe for some specter to screw with them. Where as it seems when there are families full of love and laughter, the spooky seems as unthinkable as a Smart Car in Kansas. I have no science or facts to substantiate this theory, but hell, neither do half of the ghost hunter shows either. Just an observation.

What I do know as fact is that laughter and happiness ward off the darkness. People overcome amazing odds and struggles when they stay positive and happy. I have recently been fond of the term "true believers" when considering the people that are just willing to believe. I don't care if it's God or a sports team, there is something beautiful in a person's willingness to just believe in something. Mind you the later may be a little less reliable.

I digress though. 

1 comment:

mommasitta said...

Like you mussing captain!