Friday, February 28, 2014


November Project Denver −02.26.14 (suicides in the park)
Perhaps it's a Spring thing, but I have dedicated myself to pushing hard in my training plan. I have up'd the mileage some but am also cross training with November Project on Wednesday's. All those that recommended plyometrics can rest assured, they are very much a part of the week now as are a few two-a-days. Add in a level 2 yoga class once a week and I feel sawed in half most of the week. I know I am pushing harder as I look forward to whatever long run I have on Sat just for the ease of a long, slow run. I keep thinking that the training of last year should make some of this easier, but that I suppose is the point of pushing harder. I am biking all the time now as well and purposely take hills as often as is possible. Yesterdays bike accident had me feeling  much more sore than usual and today I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do much on my tempo run. I pulled of my two fastest miles this year. It is fun to push harder and try for more. When I do find out what is enough, I hope to have had a long, exciting road getting there.

Pushing harder is fun. Doing it again is great. Atrophy is terrifying. Today I can.

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