I have noticed how great the sway of momentum is as of late. I went through a great spell of success last fall that gave me quite a push. A couple indy films, a couple commercials, and a few stage castings... it all was coming fast and loose. I felt as if I could do no wrong. This of course was just a perception. In fact, I did plenty wrong I am sure, but it did not feel as dire.
Since I have been back from the holidays, things have felt tighter. Less PA jobs coming in for shorter stints, less auditions, and consequently less castings. In Chicago, it was bitter sweet to hear a friend get a role. You were happy for them, but it meant they had a role in one of the productions you did not. There was a wait time for the next one to come around. Here, so much happens so quick, it is not possible to know of all the auditions. Here friends and aquaintences are getting the breaks everyday. You find yourself feeling at odds. Here in the explossive battlefield of acting paydays, it would seem like you really just need to be standing in the right place at the right time. I was PA'ing on a commercial shoot with a now well-known robot arm in a conveinience store. The store owner would not just remain still, out of camera rnge and gave us a hell of a lot of dificulty (PA wise). Low and behold, the clients thought he would be a good addition to the scene and BOOM, there he is in front of the camera. This guy got a SAG voucher and a potential Super Bowl spot. Just like that. For beeing a jack-ass that would not remain still. I am relieved to see his portion never made it into the spot though.

So what a to do when the water is low, so to speak. How to garnish that momentum, when there is none to ride. I bought a Jeep. That felt good. Unfortunately, it's also making me all too aware of the days the phone is not ringing right now. It's an interesting delema. For now I am content and riding out the drought. Check with me next week and I may be ready to comit to a graphic design program ASAP.
It doesn't matter what tide you're riding man . . . but if you want my humble opinion, I think you should spend a couple of days in Vegas. It's a good place to figure things out. See you soon!
love love love
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