Friday, March 28, 2008

Sleep later

I have been running pretty hard as of late with very few days off. When the occasional one comes up, I have had a knack for finding something to fill the time. The last time I had a day off without a task to accomplish was so far back I can't even tell you when it was. Now all this is just fine with me, to be honest. I have subscribed for many years to the philosophy of catching up on sleep when I'm dead. That fine statement, while admittedly dramatic, got such a shocked and horrified look from a friend recently it surprised me. I just seem to think there is too much to do to waste anytime.

All this is fine and well, but it does build a bit of momentum that is tough to keep up with and even harder to to stop for a rest. I decided after an insomnia-filled night to skip the gym today as I have to work in the early afternoon. This afforded me a few hours here at home without a task pressing. It was a little scary how many things I have as back burner items I need to do. It ranges from non-urgent design work to finding out what "casual data usage" means on my cell phone bill and why it costs me $6.96 a month. Man even when I don't have shit to do I have shit to do. As I said, I don't mind being busy, but I also have trouble sitting still with these unresolved issues.

Apparently though, I can sit still long enough to blog though. Funny thing too, I manage to never get any further on my list by adding more to it. Maybe in the hour or so I have left, I will grab my guitar and reacquaint myself with it. I swear... it's on the list!


Nate said...

Sounds crazy - but at least you've got a list! I'd be lost and adrift without my lists... But like you, I find that having such a full list makes even my "downtime" feel like I should be doing something. Hmm.

Zephyros said...

There is too much to do to waste any time.

The question is, which do you think you'll run out of first?