It has been tough to get a new post up. Especially when I seem to fall a little behind. As of late there seems to be so much going on. I am finally experiencing my first day off since February 10th. My work weeks have been in the neighborhood of 80hrs plus lately with Caldera.

They have just had a lot to do with back to back events. I don't mind the work at all, but it did allow less time to get out and about in my month or so here in Colorado. My Mom is seriously disappointed to say the least.
As far as a brief catch up and forcast goes, I am about to hop time zones again. I finished my last day at Caldera for now yesterday and boogied down to Denver late last night. I am grateful and indebted to Julie for her hospitality while in Ft. Collins. I was able to finally swap my plates to Colorado this morning. I am glad for this as I am rapidly establishing Colorado as my base of operations. I am ready to return to Chicago on Monday. I can't wait to see Tiffany and get back to life in the skyscrapers. Colorado is where I want my roots to go, but I am a step or two away from that still.

The Writer's strike ended while I was out here also. That forced me to own up to my choice of leaving Los Angeles too. The strike and various circumstances gave me a chance to justify a departure. I acknowledge though that I needed very little to make that move. I realize LA was very good to me and I seemed to have decent chance of continuing that success. I also know that I was fairly miserable in the City of Angels. I retrospect I am very grateful for so much of what I got to do and see there. Some of the people I met while there are among the finest I have gotten to know in a long time.

I am taking steps toward getting more training in Chicago and have a short National Theatre for Children tour on deck. I want some quality in my life and am excited about getting it back. I am excited for where things look like they can go. I am excited to get back to life and love in the Windy City.
1 comment:
Glad to hear things are back on the move for you in a positive way! Give my love to all the kids in Chicago!
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