Monday, May 21, 2007

Take that!

I did it! I made it through my first trip back to 7-11! I did not know how I was going to get in and out without saying the magic word, "pack--a-camel-lights-please." I did though! HA HA HA!!!! Take that MONKEY!! HA! Hmmm.... I do realize this is perhaps what the NFL would deem "excess cellebration," but hell it felt good.

I am starting to become concerned that not smoking may leave me a shade ADD also. I have always been just a little bit higher strung than most( too much energy and slight insomnia). Over the last week or so I have been flippin' hyper all the friggin' time. That is when I was not sick as a dog. I was either going through the de-gunking or just had a cold. Either way, I acredit the quitting as I have not had a cold in 4yrs. None the less, my lack of focus has shifted. I am a bit more spazzy, for lack of a better term. It's fun and all, but damn it's unnerving. I feel like I am on non-stop speed. I even finally got a web-site up ( All in all this is far better than before when I used to wake up in the middle of the night and go out for a smoke. A smoke-break from sleeping? Seriously! Where was that sexy ad when I was signing up? Eh... that's it for now. Rockin out at 17 days now, the betting pool has got to be interesting! Heh!

Keep up the fight Ma!


Nate said...

Sorry about the de-gunking and the cold, hope that will pass... Probably that and the ADD (and some more mysteries to come) are just a result of your body learning to live without nicotine again? We'll see. 17 freaking days!!!

Anonymous said...

I can vouch for all of this! Tonight, I came home to find him making a huge dinner. AND there was dessert in the fridge. I was also ambushed and flung around behind our nonsmoker's a swing dance move or something.