Friday, February 22, 2013

Caution and Ambition

There must be a peculiar twist to my brain when it comes to limitations or at times just common sense. After yesterday's near debacle of running in my barefoot shoes in snow and way too cold conditions, my speed workout today was looking grim. Especially after one of my toes decided to let me know how much it disliked the yesterday's workout last night by inducing a limp for an hour. The twist came when I got out there today. It is icy and snowy and just not conducive to speed work at all. I hadn't committed nor ruled it out though as I was running easy to the park. Then as soon as I got to my start point,I took off. The trail wasn't too icy, but worn and uneven snow made it much tougher. Despite constantly telling myself I could opt out at anytime without shame under the conditions, I made my two laps at tempo speed. For me, that looks close to 2 minutes shy of my regular speed.

The question lingers though, why? I am all for leaning in and going for it, but at what point is that just foolish inertia? Last night's limp concerned me and reminded me all too quickly, my goal for May's marathon may be dashed instantly if I irk my ITB or screw up a toe (again). The creed of go for it has served me well, but caution has become an equally valued training partner. Go for it doesn't work if I break the system.

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