Tuesday, February 12, 2013

One City Block

One of the things I am most enjoying and fascinated by in our recent return to city living is the variety of people all around us. Particularly when I am out on a run, I get to see things differently in my home town than I ever did when I lived here before. On Sunday, I had my 12 mile run and I mapped out a huge figure 8 to run on streets I was familiar with. I had never walked down some of these streets before but have driven them since returning. I thought there would be few surprises, especially early on a Sunday morning. What I did not expect was that I would be running past some truly rough areas ( not dangerous, just depressed) and then right into affluent ones. Within one block in particular I past folks leaving the shelter they had stayed at the night before and people waiting for their table a fashionable new brunch place. Such dichotomy within one city block is tough not to grab your attention. Without judgement, I am truly in awe of the human experience within such a small space. Whether it was the homeless or the hipsters or the shuck just trying to run through, each of us were breathing and just trying to get on together. Not to be sappy or anything, but it was a cool moment to feel connected to life around me by actually seeing it and being in it.

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