Thursday, February 14, 2013

True Valentine

I am not one to get all that jazzed over Valentine's Day anymore. It has three parts really that keep me from being too enthusiastic about our mid-February ritual. The first is that it just seems fake. If Charlie Brown once bemoaned the commercialism of Christmas, the V-day is it's unbridled sequel. The second is that I generally seem employed in places that keep me from making any traditional plans, a fact my wife has long since given in to. The last though is probably the best one though. I am madly in love with my wife. I tell regularly so in fact. I buy her flowers when she is blue, not because the calendar tells me to. With her, I feel the spirit of Valentines, if there is such, all the time. It seems as odd as proposing Drink Coffee Day or Walk Day.I must confess though, the recent Pancake Day was pretty awesome. With my wife, I am inspired to all the tenants of Valentine's Day but without the needless urge to go buy it. I love her and waited a long time to find her. Of course I will let her know she's my love and I am damn grateful she's in my life. 

I will now step off my heart shaped soapbox.

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