Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dream World

Ever had one of those bad or weird dreams that you woke up from still feeling it? That just happened last night to me and I couldn't shake the feeling. I decided to take my frustrations out and knock out my hills run this morning. It seems one of those mysteries we all just accept the way dreams affect us. They entertain and confuse us. On occasion they scare us or even cause us to actually move. While there are volumes of research, studies, and amateur theories on what and why dreams happen, no one seems to have an answer for why our dreams do what they do. I have awoke in a full sweat and heart racing just because of the pictures in my mind. It does make for an interesting point that so much of what we believe and experience is how our mind sees it. Why else would that strange dream last night have left me so cross this morning? None of it actually happened. At least for last night's area, I am glad for that.

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