Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Good One, Gun Control! Tell Me Another One.

There's a private plane circling downtown right now with a banner on gun control. It has become the hot topic as of late as it would seem everyone in an office wants to demonstrate that they are against another senseless tragedy. Am I alone though in my skepticism on this? Why is it that everyone is convinced restricting the guns or even taking them away is the answer? Sure I subscribe to the sentiment Eddie Izzard said when discussing guns, that, "guns don't kill people; people kill people but the guns surly must help." I believe strongly in our right to have guns and I don't really think the size and amount make much of a difference. A small handgun can do as much as an assault riffle if used maliciously. I do not know what the answer is, but I know that all the huffing and puffing out politicians are doing seems pointless. It would seem they just need to show effort to protect themselves when we decide if they should keep their jobs. What seems a more fundamental issue is why the people that do cause these tragedies are doing what they do. A severely disturbed person can wield any weapon dangerously and arming all the "sane" folks won't really stop that. I wish I could tell you the here on Stupie, I know exactly what needs to be done, but I don't. I am tired of the wind on gun control though. It's like blaming your shoes for being late or wishing to ban blue cars if that was the color that hit you.

1 comment:

Nate said...

They're convinced it's the answer because it is the answer.