Saturday, February 10, 2007

To new car or not to new car

So here I am at a crossroads, at least for me. As everyone is aware, I have a little Chavy Metro. I've been driving one since 95, this particaular one since 98. When I first got it, there was little choice involved. I had done my pennance as a bad driver by walking for 3 years. When the time came I needed a car that could get me from Ft. Collins to Denver and my prized Mustang had passed away waiting for me. Getting a new car was the only way I could get financed so I picked the cheapest new car available in 95, the the Geo Metro. It was bright as fuck green and I thought at least impossible to ever not see. Alas that theory was proven wrong in a t-bone accident in the mountains that totalled it. Sadly, I still owed more than the insurance would pay off. Luckily (snicker), GMAC would roll that balance over on a new car. Again, the Metro was most affordable, even with the new Chevy bow-tie on the hood and hatch.

When I moved to Chicago 2 years later I would have ditched the ride but again owed more than it was worth. Through much trial and error, it turned into a god-send. Everyone of my friends has used it to help move and Countless IKEA items made their way back to Chicago via the 3 cylider charriot. It can park on a dime space and uses no gas in city use.

Now I am in LA, having moved here with everything I could fit in said Metro. If Detroit is motor city, LA is it's proving ground. This a city based on driving and creature comforts. I am not so vain as to dislike my ride because it's not flashy enough. However, with more time spent in my car than ever before, a manual, no A/C, compact gets pretty cramped when waiting an hour and a half to get a mile.

Here is my situation. I am approved to get a 99 Jeep Wrangler in Denver in a week. It's ridiculously affordable for a Jeep and has all the bells and whistles I wanted. At the time I went into search mode, the Metro was showing early death symptoms. It has since been restored to full health. I am even planning on driving it back to CO for the trade-in.

I don't know if I am just getting jitters or not, but my car is doing fine now. I can still park where no one else can. My gas is rarely over $20 and I have no payments. It will need a new exaust system within a year (thank you Chicago salting roads!), but aside from that it has great go and the engine is running great. I have talked myself into the idea that my humility lesson is over and I can get something more fun, but am I convincing myself to this? As was said before, twice I would have passed on the Metro had I not owed so much. Do I let this go or step forward in faith?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GP GP JEEEP. AC alone will be worth it in a couple months. And I have been lulled by the demons of "the car seems fine now" a few too many times not to warn other wayward travelers. If you wait till it's dead, it's going to be at THE most crucially inconvenient time when no other rational option is available. If you have the means for an upgrade, by gawds, do it.
Also; HI!@!

Unknown said...

get the jeep. Be a man.