Monday, August 13, 2007

So close, so close...

It's funny working as a PA sometimes. Tiff said that it would help us to get a chance to work in the industry out here while we were auditioning. In some ways that seems to be true. I have thoroughly suplimented my lacking knowledge of film set lingo and etiquette (thanks again CSU). It has helped tremendously working so closely with the "talent" on so many of these commercials, afterall they are what most of us are out here hoping for. McDonalds and Bud can pay the rent for a few months. I quote the term "talent" in that, aside from being dressed and showing up to the right address on the right day, you really have little to do with convincing anyone of anything, especially "talent." Yet I digress...

I am currently working on a big car commercial that will potentially be the signature feel of this football season. I am in the office today and they finished doing fittings for several "talent" this morning. Honestly most of them were young enough to still be excited (and rightly so). It was the older "actors" that seemed to be... bored... irritated... dead? They were completely tired and ready to go as soon as possible.

Now this was not what I would call acting per se, but they made it this far... it's all fun from here. Plus the spot is going to be beautiful, not to mention profitable. How could you not like the idea of getting a national commercial that will only require you to look great and maybe play football some? It could be much, much worse. Watch five minutes of TV and see. Wait don't... it's not worth it

Anycase, it helps me stay hungry seeing it happen for some of these kids. Plus it canoccassionally be fun too. It's so close though.

1 comment:

Nate said...

Your description of the older, jaded, actors reminds me of some old union work calls I used to go on in Fort Collins - the young kids (me) who got to work a union call cause there weren't enough union people, and then the old hands who'd seen it all a million times. They'd help and bust their ass when they needed to, but if they could stand back and watch you haul something, they would. Heh.