Sunday, August 26, 2007

Where are my feet?

I was wondering if I have a serious wandering bug or a serious inability to settle. Either way, I fantasize constantly about just taking off. Then I think about digging in. Seems I am constantly trying to figure out where to go. Tiff knows. I have ideas. Now while I will acknowledge the healthy "pause when doubtful" approach I have been using, there is a flaw to it I am seeing. My mind isn't pausing at all. It seems to be the same philosophy of not feeling that much better for only THINKING of telling someone off. I have to actually try not to think it either.



Anonymous said...

I don't know that it is so much a lack of ability to settle than it is that you just haven't found your true homebase. You've taken in so much from every place you've lived & seem to continue to do so. When you land where you want to really be, I think that you'll know.-Colleen

SevenLegs said...

Have you tried surfing?

troy said...

Have not tried surfing yet, kinda afraid of deep water.