Saturday, December 19, 2009

Holiday Spirit

I pose this question to the tree of you, my avid readers: How does one find holiday spirit when it does not readily arrive with the decorations? I know a few folks that are having a tough time this year getting into the whole holly-jolly and I totally get it. At the same time, for most of my adult life I have faced the economic fears that many are suffering through now. One year, my big gift was boughs of reeds wrapped and offered for luck. Talk about strapped. Hell, I thought that might not even happen as the police were explaining to me the finer points about laws preventing people from removing things like reeds from National Parks. He actually had to think about it when I offered to take them back. .
I don't know how to impart that the holiday spirit need not come in a present or a fortune under the tree. It just has to do with finding some extra love and good will. At least that's what it seems like to me. What I have enjoyed most this year is watching how some have started being just a little nicer out there. That warms me up some. Christmas is about that to me. After this, we just get snow and fierce weather without twinkly lights.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

All I Want For Christmas...

As the song goes, "all I want for Christmas is you." I am appreciating that sentiment so much more as I am getting older. The true gift for me each year is seeing the ones I love. Don't get me wrong, ripping paper off even the most eligible to be returned gift is a good time, but I truly do just love seeing my family. This year, as I wrap up my gift getting/making, I am all too aware that I can not wait to get to the part where we are all in the same room and the preparations are finished. Whether that room is in Ohio or Colorado, it just feels good to be there and be done.

It has been a tough year for so many folks I know. Several are looking for work. Others are stuck in jobs they never intended to make permenant. Whatever spot you find yourself, I hope that very shortly you will have a chance to sit back with people you love and enjoy the company.

Give me a call, I'll have a cup of coffee with you anytime.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Out in the Cold

This morning was the Rudolph Ramble 8K. It's the second year I have run it and am thoroughly enjoying the familiarity with some of these runs coming up again. Last year's Ramble was ridiculously cold and wet. The original course was buries under 6 inches of wet ice. Today was ideal, considering. It was cold and a little damp, but no rain or freezing wind. I biked down again and was delighted to have Tiff bring Estes down to cheer. That was one muddy puppy when all was said and done.

I also hopped back on the bike yesterday to commute to work after a short hiatus from sub-zero wind chills. It felt great to be back to riding two wheels for my commute. Not only was it faster, I felt much better once at work and again getting home later. I still am hoping to eliminate the pre and post ride smoke, but for now it is still a part of things.

What I am finding amusing is that as the temperatures drop and the weather gets inhospitable, how much more I find myself out in it. Whether it be running or biking, I am having a ball in the PG winter weather thus far. I am not attempting to brag, but just express how facing the elements is providing an added boost.

My Ramble results:
12 71 TROY COLEMAN 34 CHICAGO IL 36:05.6
(Place O'All Name Age Town St Time)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter Biking

I have previously announced I will be attempting to bike through the winter here in Chicago. Thus far, this has not been too rough. Much thanks to Duo Team for their posts on winter biking as that helped me avoid some simple mistakes. Last week I winterized my bike some. I took it apart to degrease and lube it for the first time. I also added a rear fender and front "gunk guard" that I am very happy about. I no longer have to avidly avoid water on my ride down to work. I also picked up a pair of lobster gloves that work fantastic with my Ice Breaker liners. My next steps are to increase visibility some with a couple more lights and add a vest for the short segment of my ride down Michigan Ave. So far so good, but we are also just starting to see ice and snow. I am eager to give it a shot to get the anxiety out. It feels great when I get off the bike to know I just got where I needed to go on my own power. The best was riding to my Thanksgiving 8K (37:49.3 @ 7:37/mi). I got to "park" right next to the starting line. It also feels like I am keeping my legs in shape while my weekly runs have dipped.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Squeaky Wheel

As the old adage goes, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. That has come up often at work when referring to coworkers that often vocalize their displeasure with the way things are done. Is it true though? There seems an amazing number of people out there ready to fill every job currently being held, from doctors too garbage collectors. Why is it then that the feeling of complaints are a means to fulfillment is still prevalent? The most irritating words I hear in any job I have worked are, "it's not my fault." That does nothing to address solving an issue. It's a litigation philosophy of who will ultimately be held accountable and an effort to avoid being blamed.

Sadly, if you are late for work, it does not really matter why if your job is not done. Obviously there are extenuating circumstances, but the fact that whatever you were supposed to be there for at the start of your day was not done by you. fault or no, that is a fact.

For one, I am not in the habit of unnecessary work. If it is easier and less costly to replace the wheel than grease it, why go to the effort? When was the last time you took a faulty appliance to a repair shop? Simply put, it's less time and money to get a new one more often than not.

When do you grease and when do you replace? Just throwing some thoughts out there and venting. To any that catch this and are curious of a modivation for writing/venting, there is none specific in mind.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Actual Christmas Time

So, correct me if this sounds off to you, but does it seem odd to anyone else that the season of premature Christmas is over? It's officially December now and completely normal to hear nonstop holiday music in every store. I find myself still chuckling a little when I hear it thinking how early before I remember. It did not bother me so much this year to be treated to Jingle Bells before the Halloween decorations were even down. While the jaded side of me thought, "fuck, they want our money earlier than ever before;" there was a happier part of me that felt we all just needed Christmas a little earlier this year than we have before.

It's been a tough year as we are all aware. I have gone on at length over the last several post about it. On the lighter side though, we have finally arrived in the potentially magical part of the year when giving and goodwill are touted and more often acknowledged. I for one though am glad it's here. My family is working on homemade gifts this year and I fully participated in Buy Nothing Day. I am attempting to do what shopping I will do in local shops. Conscientious shopping is how I attempt to do my part in these tough times. Feels good to use my almighty dollars for that.