Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Shopper

About to head out to the doll house to work today. It's less fun working over the weekend. The only reason is that you get the entitled customer who has forgone any manner of courtesy long ago. They conduct themselves with a superiority and an irritation that so many other people had decided to shop on the weekend. These are the same folks that produce a personal check and wonder why it takes so long to process them now. My biggest grief though is that they are just rude. No matter what level of service you encounter, two things are facts. One, you are dealing with another human being. Two you are a part of the interaction. Manners are both people's responsibilities. So if you are out today and have to purchase something from somebody that actually has to work today, maybe try being nice (even if they don't deserve it) and potentially everyone gets to walk away a little better.


mommasitta said...


aworkinprogress said...

And please tip appropriately when you receive good service in a restaurant. (Suits, I'm atalkin' to you!)