Friday, October 11, 2013

Credit Where Credit is Due

I am a lucky guy. While that picture may make this statement seem a bit tongue in cheek, I assure you I meant it much more seriously. The picture was taken while we lived in Hollywood. Till would occasionally drag me out of the house on these horrible runs. I truly did not like them, especially how she would kinda sprint the last couple blocks leaving me in her dust panting and frustrated. "What a stupid exercise!"

Then I tried to quit smoking for the first time. Running was the only time I wasn't going nuts. Ergo, I ran… A LOT. I started to actually enjoy it. I had no idea what I was doing really. I ran in crappy tennis shoes with cotton shorts, no shirt (or sunscreen), and no water through the middle of the day in LA in the summertime. As though all that wasn't foolish enough, I later found out I should have been checking to see if the air was even safe enough to be outside most of that time. Ah, Los Angeles… city of dreams.

After a while, I began running races and marathons. I still run A LOT, but to train now. My wonderful Tiffany has encouraged me and supported me now through 6 marathons and on the verge of 7 & 8. It requires many hours out logging miles, hours of soreness, ice baths, and the truly worst part of all: me talking about it all the time! She does all this and more. She even manages to be interested periodically when I talk about a hill repeat workout or why a PB GU gel was amazing when chased with a grape NUUN. I know what I do is odd, at least among my immediate circle, but she makes me feel supported and encouraged.

THAT, is why I know I am a lucky guy!

I love you Tiff!

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