Monday, October 28, 2013

Missing Butterflies

I tried my first run yesterday with Tiff. It was a close and slow 2 miler. It felt pretty good too. I could still feel some of the deeper aches, so I will be playing it conservatively this week, but over all it was fantastic to get out there and run again! The usual anxiety I feel in the last weeks before a run seen to have been derailed a bit in the unusual nature of back to back marathons. ergo, I am not very nervous at all. I can tell it's pretty thorough too in that I don't feel the need to go buy any gear either. Consequently, I wonder if I am not focused enough? I know that's silly, but when the butterflies are as routine as Gatorade, you get curious when they aren't around as much. I also keep reminding myself that this is my first travel marathon in a long while and some my attention is focused on the logistics of getting there and around New York.

I am sure it will be good, but it feels all sorts of weird!

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