Saturday, February 12, 2011

Business School

I am often amused at the skills I have acquired through several jobs after college. I have become an adept barista and a fairly respectable Production Assistant. But the actual titles are not what I am referring to. It's the actual skills and experience gained on these odd jobs that amuses me. I can drive almost any type of truck, even in the tight streets of New Orleans or Beverly Hills. I have become very good with getting impossible tasks finished. The most recent amusement is coming from the Doll House though. Beyond the obvious, laughable work related tasks, I am becoming more and more savvy to business. I have a new love with Excel and the ability to truly analyze data. I have often joked with my friends that for an artist, I am a closeted math dork. Well, now I truly get to enjoy those skills. I am learning a lot about the way a business runs and for that reason alone, I am glad to have this job. Who knew I'd learn how to understand yearly business trends and pierce doll ears at the same job?

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