Monday, September 23, 2013

Stumped in 20mi

I hit the trail hard yesterday and it kinda hit me back. The last few miles were all mind game to keep going. I have had a very good year of training, but having been in training for all but 5 weeks this year, I think the toll is starting to show and I am forcing myself to take a day off from running. Rest days have been optional 1mi. that I always take the option.

I also seem to be flatlined on fundraising and ideas. I truly tried to come up with some ideas yesterday until the only idea in my head was "stop running!!" Then I had to just hone in on left - right - left…

If you have any ideas, shoot me a line or hell, call me. I am all ears. Most of you know I am always willing to try something, especially if there's a good cause.

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