Sunday, November 30, 2008

From Turkey to Tofurkey

It was a hell of a nice, low key Thanksgiving. Tiff and I were heading to Ohio for the big day till I found out The Girl had me scheduled to double on Wed and Fri. Not even Megabus could help me there. Tiff and Laurel chatted and decided on a vegetarian feast at our place. I was told a couple days later. The irony of our place hosting a vegetarian Thanksgiving is that this is the home our friends unveiled the deep fryer for the big meal.

The added bonus to being here was that I could do another 8K run. Laurel had already signed up and I was thrilled to do so as well. The run was good, but not as much fun as the PAWS run in Sept. There were 6000 people there and the race folks seemed as annoyed as a checker at Jewel that morning. The run itself was super fun, just too crowded. I am hoping the Rudolph Ramble next month may be more sparse. It was also a relief to see my new cold weather gear worked out. I am weighing the benefits of the all-natural New Zealand wool, Merino, over UnderArmor. It's natural versus synthetic. I tried a combo of both on this one, but have to say the natural stuff was much better than expected.

For technical purposes, I went with an UnderArmor base shirt, jacket, and shorts. I used IceBreaker for the leggings, cap, and socks. Much thanks to the ever helpful staff at Uncle Dans. I appreciate that they never just laugh when I ask stupid questions. At some point soon I may fenture into an actual running store. I am starting to feel like an actual runner though. Not bad for a guy that used to smoke a pack and a half a day since I was 16. It's been a lot of fun so far.

Back at the house we faced an unexpected problem. Our "turkey" needed to thaw overnight or it would require 3hrs to cook. That was significantly longer than we expected. None the less, the feast came together. Laurel brought a scruptous pie and salad and we ate well. A point of interest though for those thinking of trying the Tofurkey: It's denser than turkey. I tried to eat my regular amount of "turkey" and it immobilized me. I am not kidding when I say I sat through 3 and half Harry Potter movies without being able to do much.

Lastly by request here is a better picture of the ring. Much thanks to all the congrats! We have been very moved!


aworkinprogress said...

Who took that fryer, anyway? Or is it still there in the yard?

Glad you had such a good thanksgiving. I'm at the 'buck late this Fri night if you want to stop by for a cuppa. Have a good week.

goooooood girl said...
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Nate said...

Yum! Looks delish!

And congrats on smoke-free running!!!