Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July

This 4th of July, I find myself in a state that has been ravaged by wild fires and thousands of brave men and women have been fighting them for weeks trying to save lives, homes, and forests. The point of this is that Colorado has enacted a firework ban this year, eliminating most displays and certainly all of the private "imported from Wyoming" varieties. There has surprisingly been a bit of an outcry to this. The sentiment has been that we must have fireworks, it's part of being an American.

There are too many places in this argument to defend all the obviousness, so forgive your Captain. I am interested strictly in pointing out that on this day of our Independence, it may behove us to remember how hard it has been to gain and keep it. Thousands of brave men and women have put them selves in harm's way on our behalf and continue to do so. Our police and firefighters routinely go out to insure your pursuit of happiness is possible. There are even good politicians (I think) that are trying to make our country and better place. The latter generally beats its own drum, so I shall not though.

The point here is that on this day when many years ago, a literally revolutionary idea was born, we owe a debt. Instead of the popular "America, fuck yeah!" approach, we might try a little more genuine gratitude. There are still a lot of sons and daughters not on our soil in the name of defending it. Whether you agree or not with why, they are out doing one of the hardest jobs imaginable… for us.

I am ok withe the lack of Roman Candles this year. What I can't take is the whining that fireworks are what makes today special.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to those who gave us this country and help us keep it safe!

1 comment:

mommasitta said...

Amen to that captain!