Sunday, April 28, 2013

22 Miles

Today was my last truly long run before the taper period of my marathon training. As has been mentioned previously, I have tweaked my training plan some on this go round to make it more strenuous. It has mostly included hill repeats and speed workouts. I also amped up the mileage each week and added a new 22mi. run to the end of the build up. I usually just do a couple 20mi.'s and begin scaling back as has been recommended by many sources. I saw one plan that included this monster 22 mi. i it and was intrigued. I dropped it in and have been thinking about it since mid January.

Today I gave it a crack. I also routed my course to pretty much follow the Colfax Marathon. It was interesting. While it may sound odd to say that each week's increase of 2 miles makes former milage easier to hit, I am still surprised when what was once a goal becomes a benchmark. Today's 22mi. had no other comparison's but to actual marathon runs. It took an hour and a half just to warm up to the idea while I was out there. Even 20mi. didn't feel as far away to finish as today's did. I was not enthusiastic once actually out there for quite a while.

Then I settled in and hit some less traveled roads for my running. It started feeling better. I was impressed and relieved.The marathon course will be easier for sure with more runners, aid stations and occasional glimpses of my support crew. None the less, I felt pretty damn good about my dry run (no pun intended) and my longer long run.

Hello taper period!

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