Monday, June 18, 2007

Tug of War

So here I am in Los Angeles still. Nothing new there. However, I am faced with a delema right now. A short time ago I allowed myself to finally, verbally admit I do not like it here still. Again, nothing new there. What is currently challenging me is that it would seem my next step in pursuing acting work here feels a bit more like a comitment.
I am entertaining some acting workshop groups that seem quite fond of talking about how long it could take. This I know. What is tough is hearing that if I want to try this route, I will be less able to just leave LA; at least not without wasting some invested money and effort. I still feel that despite a handful of truly great people here, the best thing about CA is the road going East. Just felt like a little venting. I do realize I am redundantly voicing some things here.


Nate said...

Hmm. Sounds like a tough decision... How long are we talking for these classes? Months? Year? Few years? I'd be wary of signing up for anything that's too long of a commitment unless you can try out a few classes first -- what if it sucks and they only really have new material for a few months? On the other hand, maybe it rules. I'd try to to sit in or audit a few classes to see if it grabs you or leaves you "meh"...

freddie said...

I know what you mean. I always find those choices scary. The ones that could change the course of things. You've been there for about a year now I think. Maybe you can move to another part of town to mix it up a little bit.