Saturday, November 10, 2012

Anger 101

It's truly tough for me when I have a head of steam to let it go. The adage that seems so applicable is one that asks, "would you rather be happy or right?" Without a lot of natural stock in happy, I generally decide without much consideration. Thusly I find myself as I am now, trying to release the anger and not take out anything else in my life while trying this. Like this, I have no skills or redeeming qualities. Like this, I am bad company. Like this, I want to be far from people. Like this, god is just a concept and a distant one at that.

Sadly, only through the latter can I get out of this angry rut. So I'll go with happy and take counter intuitive direction. Lucky for me, like baking a cake, I don't have to believe in the recipe for it to work.

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