Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thumbnail Writing

Sometimes I set down to say something on here and the TV in my mind just goes blank. Ordinarily, that would be just a real good time to shut the hell up. However I sight the mind numbing thumbnail exercise from my college design classes (btw, thanks for never mandating we use the computers! Graphic design on a computer was just a fad.). The exercise was to jot as many crude layouts as you could in a short amount of time. We are talking 7 seconds each and they were the size of thumbnails essentially. While 98% of these fast sketches were utter crap, after enough time you were thawing anything you could down and thusly you found an idea you would not have come to when going with some of the first ones. At times the ideas were truly inspired. Other times they were just good directions. What was cool was seeing something you put down without thinking too much about it.

What does that have to do with this here, lonely blog? Well, I endeavor to write daily (if possible) and can honestly say I don't have daily words of even Stupie caliber wisdom. What I do have is a willingness to just jot them down and maybe flush out an idea I hadn't really considered before. Like the subject of tonights piece. No idea this was what this would be about.

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