Wednesday, April 6, 2011

26.2 at 5280!

I am all signed up for my 4th marathon. This year will be the Denver Rock 'n' Roll Marathon
on October 9th. It will be wonderful to train in the town of the race this time, but I will be bummed to lose that training at altitude advantage. We'll see about improvements though. It could be my first marathon as a nonsmoker. I am told by a running friend in CA, that alone could shave 30 minutes off my time. Intriguing, but I am a little skeptical. It would be fantastic to break the 4:00 mark in my home town!

1 comment:

mommasitta said...

Awesome goal Handsome! Go for it - one day at a time! It will be cool to be able to be there - in person - to cheer you in another marathon!