Tuesday, November 26, 2013


There are lots of people out there doing amazing things each and every day. We have our heroes that we regard highly whether they wear a team's uniform or a military one. Our firefighters, police, and lesser known civil servants that make our daily life move with less difficulty. What I am constantly in awe of though are the unsung heroes all about. For fear of sounding cliche, I am impressed with all you moms and dads, you students working your way through school, and the people that suit up each day with a name tag on trying to better their place one humble day of work at a time. To you delinquents trying to turn things around and folks that are immersed in grand life struggles but still manage to hold the door a moment longer than is comfortable to help someone out. To the people that don't need to say good morning, but do. to the drivers that realize driving is a privilege and offer a moment of that precious time to let someone in. To the people that keep trying to make us smile and those that keep us from crying. There are so many people out there doing some tremendous things no featured in a "news feed" or anywhere else. I admire your spirit and continued battle to make each day a tad better for having been in it.

I appreciate you.

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