Thursday, January 24, 2013

Destination Running

My intention was to sign up to run the Chicago Marathon this fall. By my intention, that also means if my wife abides my plan. I have wanted to get back to the Windy City for their 26.2 for a while. It remains my favorite experience. The reason I phrased it in the past tense is that I have done some research on a couple other marathons, Portland and Denver Rock n' Roll. The latter was mostly because I have run it before and was curious about the course. As it turns out, the last mile goes right by my new home. It also winds all around my new neighborhood. The temptation of that kind of familiarity in the final miles of a marathon is more than a little tempting! I am already signed up andd training for the Colfax Marathon, the Denver underdog of marathons. Could it be I am ready to sign up for a second marathon at altitude? Stay tuned.

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