Monday, January 21, 2013

Yoga Monday

It's often lauded as great to try new things. I'm a degree skeptical on that one right now as I sit here rocked by another stab at yoga. Not even a class, just a DVD even! I'm shocked how hard this is while simultaneously looking so damn simple. Trust me, the part of the DVD I'm at, it is still ridiculously simple. I dig it, but damn it's humbling. As with so many things, yoga appears to be of the nature that starting out will be slow, humbling with a gratification a little ways down the line. Running started out the same way. I was running in Hollywood in plaid Target shorts, Merrel's and big cotton socks. It was not exactly smooth sailing. I'll stick with it, but am truly desiring an ego boosting endeavor soon. Just enough to get me back on that yoga mat next Monday.

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